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Agrisoul opened its doors in 1990, it started with a dream to offer the best and widest range of Fertilizers available, and a mission to promote health in the community and to bring a sense of discovery and adventure into crops growing.
Our products
Extra care for the plants
Natural fertilizers
Two out of every five people on Earth today owe their lives to the higher crop outputs that fertilizer has made possible.
2017/05/30 16:06
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Get the best harvest
Agrisoul Organic Fertilizer
Soil Structure
Because of presence of organic matter, soil structure is improved. Which increases the ability to hold water and nutrients
Environmentally Friendly
According to the Organic Trade Association, organic fertilizer increases species biodiversity by 30% compared with synthetic fertilizer.

Microbes Thrive
Organic fertilizer is rich in organic matter, which helps microbes thrive.
Reduce Fertilizers and Pesticides
Organic fertilizer can reduce the need for pesticides and the overall nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium requirements.
Plant Damage Threat Avoided
Some synthetic fertilizers can cause plant damage to leaves and roots. This is less likely with organic fertilizers.
Why choose
Agrisoul products?
Soil heath
In addition to releasing nutrients, as organic fertilizers break down, they improve the structure of the soil and increase its ability to hold water and nutrients. Over time, organic fertilizers will make your soil–and plants–healthy and strong.
No harm to plants
Since they are the ultimate slow-release fertilizers, it’s very difficult to over fertilize (and harm) your plants. There’s little to no risk of toxic buildups of chemicals and salts that can be deadly to plants.
Environmentally friendly
Organic fertilizers are renewable, biodegradable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly.

What Our products Can Do
From our blog
Why use Organic fertilizers?
Cut the halves into smaller pieces and place in a large pot of water with a steam basket to keep the pumpkin pieces from touching…
What is balanced organic fertilizer?
A fridge full of organic vegetables purchased or harvested with the best of intentions, and then life gets busy, leaving no time to peel,
Difference between organic and inorganic fertilizer.
Organic food consumption is rapidly increasing. The heightened interest in the global environment and a willingness to look